Underdown / Photez

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One thing I really enjoy being part of is joint collections, they remind me of being in a group exhibition but the web3 version. One such collection is by the lens based community on tezos, called Photez who have just launched their v8 thematic collection ‘The Upside Down.’ Thematic collections are made up from pieces submitted by and then voted for, by the Photez community. The group with the most votes are minted into the collection.

I am proud to have been selected to be a part of my 4th collection with Photez featuring my work ‘Underdown’ along with many talented photographers on tezos.

‘Underdown’ is a mix of two photographs, a long exposure of water hitting rocks taken not far from my home in New Zealand, the other is a building located in the centre of Christchurch city looking very damaged from the earthquake that stuck in this region. The reason I chose these images was to show the power and force of nature overbearing our attempts to hold it back, and control something which has existed far longer than we can even perceive.

Please take the time to browse the other pieces in the collection. If you are inspired to join the Photez community or purchase pieces for your own collection, use the buttons below.

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