Give Everything

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Over the last few months I have been working more with GIF format artworks. What is GIF? it stands for Graphics Interchange Format and was released in 1987, designed to handle more basic images including animations with limited bit depth. GIF files are mostly seen on the internet and these days, used to share popular memes or reactions to posts or comments on social platforms. Many artists still use this format to animate their works, including the legendary A. L. Crego with his monochrome masterpieces.

My latest release is via NFT on titled ‘Give Everything’. This work is self portrait, digital photography using multiple layers animated and exported to GIF format. As you may have seen with another collection of mine – The Office Project taking high resolution images then compressing them down into a tiny file is something that really intrigues me, in this world of ultra high quality cameras and digital editing I tend to go “against the grain” starting with large images and compressing them down to create gritty, low resolution images. Starting with a 4000×6000 image and ending with a 1200x1800px , 3.44mb GIF file.

Showing open palms facing upward is often a sign of sincerity, trust and openness going back to ancient times, showing you are not holding a weapon or threat to another person. The idea is that this gesture makes the viewer more comfortable, even with the subjects face obscured and in a very dark setting, which would normally be “off putting” the mood is changed by such a simple gesture.

Click the button below to be taken to the marketplace.
Available only as a digital file.

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